// Boost
Space for More
From young families just starting out to empty-nesters looking to downsize, multifamily homes are an increasingly popular option for U.S. households. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, approximately 32.6 million residences, or 24.6% of housing in the U.S. today, are multifamily. These spaces include apartment buildings, condominiums, townhouses and mixed-use developments.
Boost concentrates on building multi-family properties that become integral components of their surrounding communities, inviting Boost residents to engage with these environments and amenities.
// Boost
The Park Place Potential
Located in Richland, Washington, "The Pit," as it is not so affectionately called, has long been a source of consternation for local small businesses and residents. It sat for years in Richland’s downtown core, an undeveloped gravel eyesore with tremendous potential to add to the character and vitality of downtown of Richland.
Boost is co-developing The Pit, turning it into a coveted place to live for its easy access to Howard Amon Park, the Columbia River, and nearby retail shops and restaurants. Learn more.